# ASP.NET Core Reimagined with htmx Book

Have questions or feedback about the book? My email is cwoodruff@live.com.

For the source code for the book, visit the book's GitHub repo -- htmx-razor-workshop

To find translations, please check out the Translations page.

Section Chapter Chapter Published
Introduction 1 Why htmx with ASP.NET Core 9 Razor Pages?
2 Setting Up Your Development Environment
3 First Steps with htmx
Section 1: Core Concepts of htmx 4 Understanding htmx Commands
5 Mastering hx-get and hx-post
6 Working with hx-put, hx-patch, and hx-delete
Section 2: Advanced Interactivity 7 Working with hx-target and hx-swap
8 Handling Events with hx-trigger and hx-on
9 Integrating Hyperscript for Complex Logic
10 Navigating with hx-push-url and hx-replace-url
Section 3: Building Blocks with HTML Components 11 Forms and Modal Forms
12 Tabs and Accordions
13 Lists and Tables
14 Buttons and Action Links
Section 4: Enhancing User Experience 15 Visual Feedback with hx-indicator and hx-preserve
16 Scoped Updates with hx-select and hx-select-oob
17 Form Enhancements with hx-params, hx-vals, and hx-validate
Section 5: Performance and Optimization 18 Caching and History with hx-history and hx-history-elt
19 Optimizing Requests with hx-disable and hx-request
20 Performance Optimization
Section 6: Real-World Scenarios 21 Building a Dashboard with htmx
22 Developing an E-Commerce Application
23 Creating a Chat Application
Section 7: Deployment and Maintenance 24 Debugging htmx Applications
25 Testing htmx Applications
26 Deploying htmx Applications on Azure
Appendices A htmx Command Reference
B Hyperscript Quick Guide
C Valuable Tools and Resources for htmx and Razor Pages Development